Elle Newton
Editor-in-Chief & Publisher
Elle Newton is a founding editor of Poets Reading the News. She is a writer, designer and cultural producer based in the oak forests of the San Francisco Bay in California. Her writing, advocacy and criticism has appeared in print, online, and on national radio such as NPR and KPFA. Her poem ‘Afterward’ was recently adapted for the stage. She has been featured on panels at AWP, the New Orleans Poetry Festival, Cal State University and Vermont’s Green Mountain Writers Retreat. She teaches workshops on writing and publishing across the country. She has authored two poetry chapbooks, Upon Arrival and Redheart. Newton has had the privilege of mentoring dozens of emergent editors in the art and practice of editing and publishing. Write to her here.

Kashiana Singh
Managing Editor
When Kashiana is not writing, she lives to embody her TEDx talk theme of Work as Worship into her every day. Widely published and anthologized, Kashiana has authored two full-length collections and a chapbook. Woman by the Door was released by Apprentice House Press in 2022. Witching Hour is being released in 2024 with Glass Lyre Press. Kashiana is also a senior executive in the healthcare industry and is reputed for her intentional leadership and perseverance anchored in a culture of inclusivity and empowerment. She proudly carries her various geo-political homes across India and the United States within her poetry.

Michel Krug
Managing Editor
Michel Krug’s collection, Jazz at the International Festival of Despair, is scheduled for publication by Broadstone Books, in the spring, 2024.
He is a Minneapolis poet, fiction writer, former print journalist from the Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars and he litigates.
His poems have appeared in Evening Street Review, Sierra Nevada Review, Jerry Jazz, St. Paul Almanac, Liquid Imagination, Blue Mountain Review, Portside, New Verse News, JMWW, Cagibi, Silver Blade, Crack the Spine, Dash, Mikrokosmos, North Dakota Quarterly, Eclectica, Writers Resist, Sheepshead, Ginosko, Door Is A Jar, Raven’s Perch, Main Street Rag and others.

Nikki Ikani
Managing Editor
Nikki Ikani is a political scientist at Leiden University, the Netherlands. Her academic work centers on political change, its forms and its challenges. She’s also intrigued by warning signs and tipping points, and the way they may succeed one another to produce deep and lasting changes in international relations. Nikki writes poetry and short stories on very similar themes of continuity and change. Some of her poems have appeared in M58, Dog Ear, and the Cobalt Review.

Associate Poetry Editors
Select a name to see each bio.
Laura Booth
Laura Booth lives in San Francisco and restores habitat in Marin County’s Tennessee Valley. She hosts an open mic at Black Bird Books San Francisco and edits for Trail Crew Stories. Her poems have appeared in Emocean.Surf, West Marin Review and Poets Reading the News. She was raised on five acres in southeastern Pennsylvania.
Kate Burnham
Kate Burnham works for the Sicangu Lakota teaching English and foundational writing courses at Sinte Gleska University. She researches in Indigenous literature, foodways, ecology, and activism while continuing to write since completing her MFA in creative writing through Arcadia University. She lives with her partner, Pat, and their son, Bob, in Mission, South Dakota.
Christine Deakers
Christine Deakers is a poet who lives in San Francisco. Her poems have been published in Berkeley Poetry Review, The Attic (Trinity College Dublin), Poets Reading the News, and others. Christine was awarded the Ina Coolbirth Poetry Prize at UC Berkeley in 2012. She publishes poems weekly at
Anangsha Haldar
Anangsha Haldar (she/her) is from India and is pursuing a postgraduate degree in Psychology. Poetry has almost always been her refuge whenever she needs to escape the drudgery of life. Her work has appeared in student publications like Bath Time and journals like the Sante Fe Literary Review.
Christine Lias
Christine Lias is a longtime California resident, who lives in Sonoma County. She earned a BS in Journalism from San Jose State University and MPA from San Francisco State University. Christine has been a news editor, reporter and grant writer, among other hats. She studied poetry writing at Berkeley City College and has been published.
Jasmine Marshall-Armstrong
Jasmine Marshall Armstrong is a writing teacher, journalist and poet. She has published poetry in Cathexis Northwest Press, America Magazine, Poets Reading the News and numerous anthologies. Her full-length collections, The School Custodian’s Daughter and Emergence have been finalists for several book awards. She holds an MFA in Poetry from Fresno State University, and an MA in World Cultures/Humanities from the University of California. She lives in Bozeman, Montana.
Susana Praver Perez
Susana Praver-Pérez is the author of two full-length collections of poetry. Hurricanes, Love Affairs, & Other Disasters received the 2022 PEN Oakland Josephine Miles Award. Return Against the Flow was chosen by both Ms. Magazine and NYU’s Latinx Project as one of their top 30+ poetry picks for 2023-24.
Guillermo Rebollo Gil
Guillermo Rebollo Gil is a writer, translator, attorney and professor in Puerto Rico. His poems have appeared in BOMB, Fence, Poetry Northwest, The Hopkins Review, and elsewhere. He has a poetry collection scheduled for publication with Gasher Press in 2025. Es el papá de Lucas Imar y Elián Iré.
Susan J. Wurtzburg
Susan J. Wurtzburg received 1st place in the Land of Enchantment Award, and the Save Our Earth Award, (National Federation of State Poetry Societies) 2024; and was a semi-finalist in the Crab Creek Review’s Poetry Competition, 2022, and the Naugatuck River Review’s Narrative Poetry Contest, 2022. Her poetry book, Ravenous Words (co-author Lisa Lucas) is under contract.
Finance & Administration
Najee Réne Johnson Sustainability & Inclusion Lead
Past Editorial Contributors
Sophia Marina, Managing Editor
Rose Hennigan, Managing Editor
Caitlin Cowan, Associate Editor
Dori Mondon, Associate Editor
Rachel Nolan, Associate Editor
Catherine Strayhall, Associate Editor
RaJon Staunton, Associate Editor
Leonora Simonovis, Associate Editor
Elizabeth Kuëlbs, Associate Editor
Nicole Bradford, Associate Editor
Camilo Garzón, Managing Editor
Debbie Allen, Associate Editor
Amelia C. Eilertsen, Associate Editor
Brad Nolen, Managing Editor
Monaye, Associate Editor
Rebecca Samuelson, Associate Editor
Adrienne Pilon, Associate Editor
Milica Mijatović, Associate Editor
Vivian I. Trutzl, Associate Editor
Jane Desmond, Associate Editor
Vivian DeRosa, Associate Editor
Mandisa Mabuthoe, Associate Editor
Elle Newton & J Spagnolo, Founding Editors
Kate Burnham, Associate Editor