Two people walk through the New York City subway, at the World Trade Center stop.

Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum

January 18, 2021

I tried to drown my sorrows
but the bastards learned how to swim

                                     —Frida Kahlo

I remember the media-parroted propaganda/:   crowds of Muslims
cheering the fall of New York’s Twin Towers.   

Allahu Akbar!!   /on JFK Blvd?   The “thousands”
of Muslims/   happy according to Trump/   who soundbyte feigned

pissed enough to boldface lie.   I can remember the proselytized chants
of the uninformed/   cheering (USA! USA! USA!)   /in the aftermath

of the sanctioned murder of bin Laden.   I can remember
the YouTube videos   /of high noon   /gun-

shot splayed thugs/demons/&criminals   mourned like white school children.   
The cellphones looky-lewd for all to see/   a now everyday Black

Lives Matter/   of fact/:  the gasping fish gills   /drowning out loud in
[di]visible Laws of racist profiles.   The guv’ment serpent’s

tongue of official/   & spokesperson/   who define the gray areas   
/as anomalies or aberrations/   the excuses of other than   / of being

taken out of context/   presidential texted in the idiot-grams of
140 characters or less/:  I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue

& shoot somebody & I wouldn’t lose voters.   A bigoted system.   
Perhaps the truth is They fear/   that is turning me to

a bridge jumper in precarious times.   Think   /erosion/:   glass
turned to sand   /to dust so fine   /you realize too late/   it’s choking

you.   I remember a clown posing as president   /talking
like he really knew   /what he was talking about/   &

the sycophants cheering.



henry 7. reneau, jr. writes words of conflagration to awaken the world ablaze, an inferno of free verse illuminated by his affinity for disobedience, like a discharged bullet that commits a felony every day, is the spontaneous combustion that blazes from his heart, phoenix-fluxed red & gold, exploding through change is gonna come to implement the fire next time. He is the author of the poetry collection, freedomland blues (Transcendent Zero Press) and the e-chapbook, physiography of the fittest (Kind of a Hurricane Press), now available from their respective publishers. Additionally, he has self-published a chapbook entitled 13hirteen Levels of Resistance, and his collection, The Book Of Blue(s) : Tryin’ To Make A Dollar Outta’ Fifteen Cents, was a finalist for the 2018 Digging Press Chapbook Series. His work has also been nominated multiple times for the Pushcart Prize and the Best of the Net.

Photo by Nicole Y-C.

A person of color holds up their eyeglasses to the viewer. You can see their eyes through the frames.
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