Warfare comes, tromps in with muddy feet and broken glass
Not when one least expects it but rather when many break
Bread as one and the chaos mongers cannot have decent
Acts playing out, acting out before manic thirst-shot eyes.
Treason, the managerial maneuvers played by acting boards
And bored actors who, for the moment, remain hidden in
Lascivious shadows, but still must reach a hard verdict upon
A severance package with which to bid farewell to fallen
Comrades in arms, sauna partners. This tricky espionage;
How much, how much more money can you get away with
With our blessings and approval for the kisses, for shedding
Of pants, for the grope, the rub, the stab and grab; a whispering:
“…give it to me, a little part of you…” How do you negotiate crime?
Why is there no sense from the power structure of calamity?
Of an out-of-control burn notice? When the crime itself outshines
The spectacle of falling will we, in all honesty, still blame you?
Opinion: Why did CBS Charmain Les Moonves get such a face-saving #MeToo exit, and others didn’t? [Market Watch]
Sean J. Mahoney works in geophysics. Sean helped create to the Disability Literature Consortium (www.dislitconsortium.wordpress.com), which made its physical debut at AWP16 in Los Angeles. He co-edited the 3 existing volumes of the MS benefit anthology Something On Our Minds, and works as an assistant editor for Wordgathering.com. His work has been published in Occupoetry, Barking Sycamores, Nine Mile Magazine, OTV Magazine, Catamaran Literary Reader, Your Impossible Voice, and Right Hand Pointing, among others.