Corruption goes all the way down.
Long before you see it blossom, it has taken root,
stabilized itself, started sucking in nutrients.
The flowers get lopped off at the top, and the plant barely notices.
Or maybe it’s more like water
poured onto the cracked earth of drought dirt.
Seeping through every path immediately, untraceably,
and turning everything to mud.
Or maybe it’s the new philosopher’s stone.
The right combination of chemicals, we thought for centuries, could turn any substance into pure gold.
Now we know how the magic works:
you can take one dollar, and make it two.
You just need to know the right people.
Scott Pruitt before the EPA: Fancy homes, a shell company and friends with money [The New York Times]
Pruitt promised polluters EPA will value their profits over American lives [The Guardian]
Margaret McCarthy is an ensemble member and co-Artistic Director of the San Francisco Neo-Futurists. Her writing has been published in Wolfman’s New Life Quarterly and sPARKLE and bLINK. Her collaboration with Liat Berdugo on the Anti-Trump Aerobics (part of 100 Days Action), received coverage in CNN, Mother Jones, Fusion, and yes, Breitbart. She is the First Female President of the United States, and a 2017-18 Public Imagination Fellow at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. She is writing from San Francisco.
Image of Scott Pruitt from the White House Flickr stream.